Resource Library

Click each section below to expand to see the resources.
Lesson 1: The Mission of Jesus [SLIDES]
Lesson 2: Keeping in Step with the Spirit [SLIDES]
Lesson 3: The Amazing Question and Care [SLIDES]
Lesson 4: God-Prepared People [SLIDES]
Lesson 5: Sharing your Personal Story [SLIDES]
Lesson 6: Sharing the Gospel Personally [SLIDES]
Lesson 7: Foundations for New Believers [SLIDES]
Lesson 8: Sharing the Gospel in Groups [SLIDES]
Lesson 9: Celebration and Commissioning [SLIDES]
Lesson 1
- This is Discipling [VID]
- MC2 Overview - Critical Path [PPT]
- 4 Fields Bookmark [PDF]
- Activity 2: Cambodia [VID]
- Activity 2: Tanzania [VID]
- Activity 2: Other videos [WEB]
Lesson 2
- No additional resources
Lesson 3
- The Amazing Question [VID]
- Using the Amazing Question [VID]
- The Jesus Film App [Apple iOS]
- The Jesus Film App [Android]
Lesson 4
- Sending of the Seventy (Luke 10:1-24) [VID]
- The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) [VID]
- Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) [VID]
- Healing of the Demoniac (Luke 8:26-39) [VID]
- Diana’s Story [VID]
- Persons of Peace [PDF]
- The Viral Gospel [PDF]
Lesson 5
- Sharing Your Story [VID]
- Paul’s Testimony (Acts 22:1-21) [VID]
- Tips for Writing and Sharing your Personal Story [PDF]
Lesson 6
- Have you Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? [VID]
- Knowing God Personally [VID]
- God Tools [Apple iOS]
- God Tools [Android]
- Using God Tools [VID]
- GodTools homepage [WEB]
Lesson 7
- 3/3 Discipleship Process [PPT]
Lesson 8
Stories of Hope [A4 | US]
Prophet Stories [A4 | US]
Lesson 1
- The Good Shepherd (John 10:22-30) [VID]
Lesson 2
- The Prodigal (Luke 15:11-24) [VID]
Lesson 3
- No additional resources
Lesson 4
- The Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:34-40) [VID]
Lesson 5
- The Resurrected Jesus Appears (Luke 24:36-49) [VID]
Lesson 6
- The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1-13) [VID]
Lesson 7
- The Vine and the Branches (John 15:1-11) [VID]
Lesson 8
- The Amazing Question - Healing of Bartimaeus (Luke 18:35-43) [VID]
Lesson 9
- The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) [VID]
- Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) [VID]
- Healing of the Demoniac (Luke 8:26-39) [VID]
Lesson 10
- Paul tells his story (Acts 22:1-21) [VID]
Lesson 11
- The Promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:1-8) [VID]
Lesson 12
- Peter at Cornelius’ House (Acts 10:24-48) [VID]
Lesson 13
- The Fellowship of the Believers (Acts 2:41-47) [VID]
Lesson 14
- The Last Supper (Luke 22:14-20) [VID]
Lesson 15
- The Believers Share Their Possessions (Acts 4:32-5:11) [VID]
Lesson 16
- The Cost of Being a Disciple (Luke 14:25-33) [VID]
Leading Develop Groups Guide [A4 | US]
Participant Notes [A4 | US]
Session 1: Leading Multiply [SLIDES]
Session 2: Kingdom Growth Process [SLIDES]
Session 3: Identifying with Jesus [SLIDES]
Session 4: Foundations of the Holy Spirit [SLIDES]
Session 5: Foundations of the Gospel [SLIDES]
Session 6: The Movement of Jesus [SLIDES]
Session 7: Selecting and Empowering Leaders [SLIDES]
Session 8: Church Leadership-Responsibilities [SLIDES]
Session 9: Church Leadership-Shepherding and Equipping [SLIDES]
Session 10: Church Leadership-Be an Example [SLIDES]
Session 11: Church Leadership-Developing Others [SLIDES]
Coaching Guide [A4 | US]
Training of Trainer 1
TOT1 Launching Multiply Groups Guide [A4 | US]
Lesson 0: Introduction to TOT1 [SLIDES]
Lesson 1: The Mission of Jesus [SLIDES]
Lesson 2: Keeping in Step with the Spirit [SLIDES]
Lesson 3: The Amazing Question and Care [SLIDES]
Lesson 4: God-Prepared People [SLIDES]
Lesson 5: Sharing your Personal Story [SLIDES]
Lesson 6: Sharing the Gospel Personally [SLIDES]
Lesson 7: Foundations for New Believers [SLIDES]
Lesson 8: Sharing the Gospel in Groups [SLIDES]
Lesson 9: Celebration and Commissioning [SLIDES]
Training of Trainer 2
TOT2 Leading Develop Groups Leaders Guide [A4 | US]
TOT2 Leading Develop Groups Participants Guide [A4 | US]
Lesson 1: Intro to Develop [SLIDES]
Lesson 2: Develop Session 1-Leading Multiply [SLIDES]
Lesson 3: Pattern for Leadership Development [SLIDES]
Lesson 4: Measuring Kingdom Expansion [SLIDES]
Lesson 5: Develop Session 2- Kingdom Growth Process [SLIDES]
Lesson 6: Coaching using Generational Maps [SLIDES]
Lesson 7: Coaching using God's Word [SLIDES]
Lesson 8: Develop Session 8-Responsibilities of a Leader [SLIDES]
Lesson 9: Coaching using Overcoming Barriers [SLIDES]
Lesson 10: Next Steps [SLIDES]