What Is YOUR Story?
If you have been with us at Bold Moves events this last year, you have seen testimonies from people all over the world. They have told how they have seen God work. Some have told of victories, some of their challenges, some have shared of obstacles they have overcome. All gave us a small picture of what God was doing in their lives.
Regardless of the outcome - everyone has a story. What is a story of a BOLD MOVE God has lead you to make? How has God used you? For our upcoming gathering, Bold Moves Celebrate, we want to give everyone an opportunity to share.
Will you contribute a 1-2 minute video? It is easy. Below you will find a list of our five BOLD MOVES that we in GCM believe God is leading us to make. Under each are a few starter sentences. Pick a starter sentence, grab your phone, and record it. Start your video with the sentence and then just finish with your thought. When done, upload it to the link below. That's it!
For our event in April, we will select some that will be featured at our event. However, we are also building a place for all of these to be posted so you can see your story - and all the stories - from around the world.
So, will you please take two minutes and share your story with us?
Here is an example of a video already submitted:
The Leading Statements...
Boldly Go
1:1000: Energize Vision and Action to Reach More Areas- In order to reach more people, I…
- When a new church was started, God changed the life of…
- I believe we can reach everyone when…
- The vision of a church for every 1000 has/will…
Boldly Mobilize
50x: Equip Multiplying Missional Leaders- I have seen God raise leaders by…
- I want to tell you about … who is leading…
- My strategy for working with more leaders is…
- I/We have focused on multiplying leaders because…
Boldly Multiply
4G+: Establish Movements of Church Multiplication- We saw a church multiply when…
- The most amazing example of church multiplication is…
- Our biggest challenge to church multiplication is…
- God helped us multiply by…
Also: if you can list and show pictures of your church planting generations, please do a video that shows this. Say "These are my church planting generations... and list them.
Boldly Partner
1+1>2 Enhance Partnerships- When we worked together, we saw God…
- I’m committed to partnerships because…
- Because of our partnership with . . . we were able to . . .
- We were able to mobilize partnerships by…
Boldly Pray
Elevate Prayer- We mobilize prayer by…
- The most amazing answer to prayer in the past ten years was…
- When we prayed, God. . .
- Through prayer, God changed our movement by...
How to Submit Your Video
- Pick one question from any of the five Boldly's.
- Think about how to answer this in one minute. Then, record your video with your phone or computer. Begin with the phrase above.
- Please record in landscape / horizontal (phone sideways) format.
- Try to find a quiet place so you can have good audio.
- Look behind you before you start - remove any distracting things and keep it simple.
- Please submit your videos by March 26 to the link below.
- When submitting, include your name, country, contact e-mail or phone number and any information about security. If you are from a sensitive location, we will conceal your name and blur your face unless you give us permission to show you.
Together We Will Be Exploring...

Boldly Multiply
How to see fourth generation and beyond in multiplying faith communities (5 million)

Boldly Go
How to reach everywhere - every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

Boldly Mobilize
How to equip multiplying missional leaders

Boldly Partner
How to maximize every possible partnership both internal and external
Boldly Praying
How to elevate prayer